What is a Mentor?
What is a Bright Light Mentor?
Bright Light Mentoring Service mentors provide advice, feedback, guidance and support to the participants. Mentors serve as advisor, advocate, ally, counsellor, role model, friend and teacher. The role of Mentors is to adapt and develop based on the goals and objectives negotiated with the participant and their support networks.
Mentors at Bright Light Mentoring Service promote social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment of the people they work with. Exercising principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities is central to Bright Light Mentoring Service Mentor workers.
With positivity, compassion and reliable engagement Mentor workers at Bright Light Mentoring Service empower people to live their best lives in their own way.

Bright Light Mentor's guidelines, beliefs, and commitments
We respect all people, value diversity and are committed to equality.
We value and recognise the contribution of all people with psychosocial and mental health issues.
We strive for excellence through continuous view and improvement.
We are committed to a culture of teamwork and collaboration with the participant, stakeholders, and families.
We create and respond to innovative practices that will enable participants to flourish.
Honesty & Integrity
In everything we do, say and create.
We empathise with other people’s experiences and are here to provide support and understanding.
Diverse and positive thinking to empower for all.
We listen, show kindness and always stand up for people’s human rights.
Live and let live